Last Sunday, September 29th, the Hindu festival of Navratri started. Navratri literally means "nine days". Navratri is when we celebrate the victory of Lord Ram defeating the demon Ravan. In my culture, which is Gujarati culture, we do a dance called garba for these nine days of the festival. In India, they do it for nine days straight, even with school and work, which I think is crazy. The dancing can get so fast and intricate that your feet and legs will be sore the next morning, so I don't know how people have the strength to go every night in India. Obviously we can't do nine days straight here in America because of school and work, so my community does garba every weekend for three weekends. This was the first weekend and I was so, so excited to finally be able to do garba. It only comes around once a year so I definitely have to take advantage of it! Garba in India. Wikimedia Commons . Moving on to my school, I think I did pretty good this weekend. I was ab...