Reading Notes: Chinese Fairytales, Part B

from The Chinese Fairy Book by R. Wilhelm

Tall trees in the forest. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
For Part B of the Chinese Fairytale readings, this story was one of my favorites. I thought it was a fun little story to read! 

The story starts off an old Buddhist monk. He loves to wander in lonely places, and one day he wanders into an area called Kuku-nur where he finds a thousand feet tall tree. The tree was hollow that you could step into it and look up through the tree at the sky. 

He comes across a girl in a red coat, unbound hair and barefoot, running super fast. She comes up to him and begs him to help her and tells the monk how a man is following her trying to get to her, and if the monk doesn't tell the man that he has seen her, she will be so grateful.

The monk starts walking ahead and comes across a man who is riding an armed horse. He was the one who was looking for the girl. He stops the monk and asks him if you've seen the girl. When the monk said he hadn't, the man could somehow tell that the monk and lying and got mad. He yells at the monk to not lie to him. He tells the monk how the girl is actually an ogre and the worst of all of thousands that were on Earth. The man and 8,000 others like him were sent from the heavens to help slay all of the ogres. The monk would be sinning if he doesn't tell the truth about where the ogre is. 

The monk not wanting to sin, shows the man the ogre is up in the tree. The man gets off his horse, steps into the tree and looks up. He gets back on his horse, and rides up the tree, and the out at the top. When the monk looks up, he sees a small red flame had came out followed by the man. They both went into the sky. After a while, there was a rain of blood which probably means that the ogre had been hit with an arrow or something. 

This story gave me the idea to write a story about a diary entry. I've seen a few stories already that have the "dear diary" theme and always wanted to write one. I think this would be a good one to write about the monk's experience with the ogre and the man from the sky. 


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