Learning Challenge: T for Time

I read an article about time management for this learning challenge. I usually start off the semester doing great on time managing and then at some point, it starts to go downhill. I thought I would read this article to see if I could get any new tips.

In the article, Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination, the author gives the reader four questions to ask yourself when you feel yourself slacking.
  1. What One Thing Can I Do to Get Started?
  2. What Are My Three Biggest Priorities Today?
  3. How Can I Make This Easier?
  4. What Will Go Wrong if I Don’t Do This Now?
The author says "Sometimes we’re faced with projects so big and overwhelming that we don’t know where to start." One thing this article did confirm for me was that I do freak out at first when I'm assigned a big project. I feel like because of this that I end up procrastinating because I'll be like "oh this is a big thing. I need to give it my full attention and work on it," and then I'll put it off.

In the article there are mentions of always preparing, making contingency plans, and taking action. I decided to try that and do my own sort of contingency plan for this class. I've mentioned in another blog post how I miss readings or some other assignment. I like to make to-do lists so on blogger I made a to-do list of weekly assignments. I hope this helps me stay on track for the rest of this semester.

My Blogger To-Do List. Personal Image.
I like that unpublished posts say "draft" so I know that those need to be done and I think that will be really helpful.


  1. HI Shivani! What a great idea. I had never thought of using the draft feature on blogger. You could fill out all of the labels and stuff on Sunday and then throughout the week know exactly what you need to do. As a lover of to do list, this seems like a great strategy. I hope it works out for you!


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