Famous Last Words: Graduating in 9 Days!

This is it. My last post for this class. I can't believe I'm finally done! It is truly a bittersweet feeling. I have loved taking this class and Indian Epics last fall. These classes are truly one of a kind! I am so, so, SO close to being done with college. It's CRAZY. Just this Monday I realized that this is my last full week of taking classes as an undergrad student. I just have one big paper and two finals, and then graduation, here I come! I am so ready to be able to say "Master has given Dobby a degree, Dobby is free!" Literally me next week. My biggest regret regarding this class is that I gave up on my storybook. I had big expectations for myself and I'm disappointed that I didn't meet them. But mostly disappointed at the fact that I gave up because I knew if I had really tried, I could've done really great on my storybook. However, that's not saying that I'm not proud of what I have already. Trying to write in first person a...